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When Heaven is not yet with you! A miracle at dawn

God is still working miracles for his people so that they may complete the purpose and mission in which he had commissioned them. Psalms 23:4 "Even though I walk through the valley of shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." This verse speaks to the comforting presence of God even in difficult times and the story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3:16-28 are well-known passages that underscore the theme of God's deliverance and protection in the face of challenges for his chosen.

As the trio in the book of Daniel were cast into the hot furnace, but were delivered by an Angel from heaven because they had an assignment, three missioners, Daniel, John and Joseph set for Kampala from Nairobi by road to attend the AFGMWI conference and as they comfortably meandered through the road at dawn 5.30 am Bishop John driving, a speeding truck driver lost control and hit the vehicle we were travelling in head-on which made our vehicle fly through the air by a huge impact but glory to God who held the vehicle by the angel's wings in the air before landing on a second heavy truck which smutched the vehicle again head-on, but glory to our God the three came out unhurt, glorified God bonded another vehicle to Kampala for conference and crusade. 

When heaven is not yet with you!,  nothing will harm you. The miracle shared is to inspire the missionaries and saints of the most high that God’s hand is not short to save. The tragic accident and God's divine intervention and protection reflect the belief in God's miraculous power to safeguard his people from harm. Psalms 34:3 "O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together." take a moment and magnify the Lord for the three brothers. Selah.

Salvation at the River Nile

We serve an amazing God. On our way back to Nairobi from Kampala after the conference, as we drove praising and worshipping God, the vehicle was filled with God's power and suddenly the taxi driver veered off the road to a halt switched off the engine and said “I want to receive Jesus as my saviour”. Amazing!! along the banks of the river Nile, bishop John led him to prayer of repentance as we thanked God. Remember, it was the vehicle that the enemy wanted to destroy our lives and now, it is through the vehicle the driver gets salvation, Halleluyah, halleluyah.

According to Acts 16:25-26 (NIV): "About midnight, Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose."

This experience of praising and worshipping God and witnessing a significant spiritual event with the driver stopping to receive Jesus as his personal Savior is a modern-day testimony that parallels the biblical account emphasizing the transformative power of faith and the impact of worship in unexpected circumstances. We serve a God of miracles.

Kampala Uganda Conference 4th - 6th December

AFGMWI is an international non-denominational organization with a worldwide great commission of spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ as entrenched in the holy bible. We have a vision of having 100,000 souls come to Christ as our first phase. We have missionaries in the USA, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Pakistan, India Haiti and many more.

The ministry focuses on spiritual impartation and brings together Christian religious leaders and followers across the globe. The Uganda conference theme, "moving to the next level," was derived from Philippians 3:13, indicating a focus on personal and spiritual growth.

The event spanned three days and included morning conferences and afternoon crusades, providing opportunities for participants to engage in discussions, teachings, and worship sessions. The Conference speakers came from the United States, Kenya and Uganda suggests a diverse Christian range of perspectives and experiences being shared during the mission.

The mission served as a platform for personal and church spiritual growth. The involvement of leaders and followers from different religious backgrounds contributed to a rich and vast experience for all participants as it presented an opportunity and time for sharing spiritual diversities.

Pastor Daniel from the USA played a significant role during the Kenya-Uganda mission by delivering a message on the importance of tithing and offering. ‘As pastors and leaders, you must understand the importance and impact of financial giving in your churches. Your congregation must believe that giving is an act of worship and a reflection of our hearts. It is your duty as a leader in the church to ensure members know that they pay their tithes not because they feel obligated or forced to but because they truly believe God owns everything in all creation’ as part of the message.

The message on tithing and offering also emphasized the role of the saints as a spiritual discipline that contributes to personal and church development. 

The mission provided attendees with insights into the role of financial stewardship in the context of personal and communal faith. 
Worship is a focal component of Christian gatherings, providing a collective expression of devotion, gratitude, and joy. The worship and praise filled the sanctuary during the Uganda mission with teams from different parts of the country leading the church in jubilant worship hence providing a diverse and vibrant celebration of faith.  

The inclusion of teams from various regions brought a rich tapestry of musical styles, cultural expressions, and spiritual experiences to the worship sessions. This diversity created a unifying and uplifting atmosphere, fostering a sense of connection and shared purpose among the participants.

The worship involved energetic and celebratory expressions of praise with singers giving themselves out with all their might to offer praises to the Almighty.
The worship had a profound and spiritually uplifting impact and brought down a spiritual presence, a powerful and transcendent experience with a deep divine connection.



The Altar call

The altar call is a significant and poignant moment in Christian gatherings. Many people came forward to surrender their lives to Jesus Christ and seek prayer, providing an opportunity for individuals to express their commitment to faith publicly and also seek spiritual support.

The act of surrendering one's life to Jesus Christ often involves a personal decision to accept Christ as Lord and Savior, embracing the teachings and values of Christianity. It's a moment of spiritual transformation and renewal for those who participate.

The altar call response is a sign of self-surrender to God's will and purpose in our lives and prayers are the central aspect of Christian beliefs offering a channel to connect with divinity The altar call reflected a collective response to the spiritual atmosphere created during the sermon and it's a testament to the impact and influence of the event on the lives of those who attended the conference.

Kampala Crusades

At the crusade ground, heavy spiritual and inspiring music filled the ground with the people praising God the Davidic way 2 Samuel 6:14-22. The praise added a sense of solemnity and reverence to the atmosphere. The powerful voices of the saints resonated through the crusade atmosphere echoing a deep connection to the faith and rallying the believers for the cause of jubilation to their creator.  

Isaiah 55:12 “For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall break forth into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.

Nairobi Kenya Conference 7th – 9th December. 2023

The Kenya three-day conference started on 7th December to 9th at Christ Reigns Gospel Chapel at Juja City in Kenya.

During one of the session, Pastor Dr. Kosayi delivered a powerful sermon on the importance of being spiritually filled and walking in the spirit and also emphasized the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding and empowering believers in their faith journey.

The Holy Spirit brings transformation, empowerment and a deeper connection with God and walking in the Spirit, on the other hand, involves living a life guided by the principles and promptings of the Holy Spirit. There was a strong and tangible manifestation of the Holy Spirit during and after the sermon which was characterized by a sense of awe, reverence, and a heightened awareness of the divine presence. People were delivered from burdens, sins and challenges through the intervention of the Holy Spirit and the laying of the hands.

Experiences like these are deeply personal and can be transformative for individuals, leading to a renewed commitment to faith and a sense of spiritual liberation.

The conference like Uganda also included a message on the importance of tithing and offering, particularly referencing Malachi 3:10 a verse often cited in discussions about financial stewardship, "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."

The challenge to leaders to embrace this principle of financial stewardship in God's Kingdom focused on the belief that faithful giving leads to blessings and financial breakthroughs. 
This teaching aligns with many Christian teachings on generosity, stewardship, and the reciprocal nature of giving in the context of faith.

Commissioning of the workers to AFMWI

Pastor Daniel Evans emphasized the importance of the Great Commission during the conference. The Great Commission is a biblical mandate found in the New Testament, specifically in the Gospel of Matthew 28:19-20, where Jesus instructs his disciples:

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

The Pastor said that the commission is a call to spread the teachings of Jesus, make disciples, and share the Gospel with people from all nations. It underscores the mission and responsibility of believers to actively participate in the expansion of God's kingdom.

By connecting the Great Commission to the expansion of God's kingdom, Pastor Daniel Evans highlighted the idea that evangelism and making disciples are integral to the growth and flourishing of the Christian faith which involves faithfulness, commitment and dedication to carry out the mission with diligence and perseverance and by the end of the sermon 40 people from Uganda and 44 from Kenya were commissioned to the glory and honour of God. 

The commissioners were requested to practice the three points of action of inviting people to their churches, being a blessing to God's people through giving and tithing and doing the great commission.

Mission Challenge

For efficiency and fruitfulness, it will be prudent that in future, we have one mission at a time. Combining the Kenya-Uganda mission was quite tiresome. The three-day conference was a very short time.  

Rwanda's church is growing and expanding very fast and they have a dire need for a church land and follow-up. Rwanda, Malawi and Pakistan are potential grounds for the Kingdom's expansion and require some attention in the plans.

Breaking of the bread

The mission concluded on December 9th, and Pastor Daniel Evans following a tradition reminiscent of the disciples, gathered with others the night before he travelled to the USA at Pastor Joseph’s house reminiscent of Acts 2:46-47 (NIV) Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.

The Kenya-Uganda mission culminated with the breaking of the bread and prayers with Pastor Daniel Evans being named Apostle Daniel Evans. Glory to God for his safe travel.